Frequently Asked Questions

How can Food For Good ensure the quality of their lunch program?

We ensure the quality of our lunch program by working with nutrition experts, adhering to nutritional guidelines, and involving the community through surveys and feedback in decision-making.

How does Food For Good ensure the safety and sanitation of its lunch facilities?

Food for Good follows strict guidelines for food safety and sanitation to ensure that meals are prepared, packaged, and delivered in a hygienic and safe manner.

Are there guidelines for portion sizes in school lunch programs?

Yes, portion sizes are regulated based on Canada’s Food Guide Plate to ensure that meals meet specific calorie and nutritional requirements for each student’s age group which we have complied with.

Are there online tools or apps to help parents and students access information about school lunch menus?

Yes, the Food For Good Program provides a user-friendly online platform and mobile app that allows parents and students to access available meal options, nutritional information, allergy information, and even place meal orders.

Does Food For Good provide nutritional information for the meals they serve?

Yes, Food for Good provides nutritional information for the meals we serve, including details about calories, macronutrients, and allergens, to help students and parents make informed choices.

What are the nutritional guidelines that you follow for meal planning?

The Food for Good program adheres to the PPM-150 and Canada Food Guide and Dietary Guidelines set by health authorities. Our meals are designed to provide balanced nutrition, including essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and protein while minimizing unhealthy components such as added sugars and trans fats.

How do you ensure food safety and hygiene during meal preparation?

Food safety is our top priority. We work closely with our partner franchises to ensure they follow strict food safety protocols, including proper handling, preparation, and packaging techniques. Regular inspections and audits are conducted to maintain high standards of food hygiene.

What is the process for signing up my child for the school lunch program?

Signing up for the school lunch program is simple. Once your school has signed up for our program, visit our website or app, create an account, and follow the guided steps to register your child to the program. You can select meal preferences, dietary restrictions, and payment options during the registration process.

Are there initiatives or educational programs related to healthy eating that you offer alongside the meals?

Yes, we believe in promoting healthy eating habits. Alongside our meals, we include fun educational trivia that encourage students to make nutritious choices and learn about the importance of balanced diets.

What is the process for notifying parents about any changes or updates to the menu?

Parents will receive timely notifications through the Food for Good app or email regarding any changes or updates to the menu. Our communication channels ensure that you stay informed about new meal options, special menus, and other relevant updates. Our social media pages are also a good source of announcements so please do not forget to hit like or follow to stay updated!

FAQs for:

How do I sign up for the Food For Good Program?

You can easily sign up on our website or mobile app. Create an account, add your child’s information, and start exploring the meal options.

How do I place an order for my child's school lunch?

Log in to your account, choose the desired meals from the menu, and proceed to checkout. You can schedule orders in advance.

Can I identify my child's meal based on dietary restrictions or allergies?

Absolutely, Our platform allows you to specify any dietary restrictions or allergies, and we will ensure that your child’s meals are prepared accordingly.

How do I place an order for my child's meals?

Once your school is registered, simply log in to your account, select the desired meals from the menu, and proceed to checkout. It is quick and hassle-free!

How can our school participate in the Food For Good Program?

Contact our team to discuss partnership opportunities by clicking the “Contact Us” button. We will schedule a presentation for you to give you more information about the program. We will guide you through the setup process and help tailor the program to your school’s needs.

Follow this link:

What benefits does the program offer to our school?

The program streamlines meal management, reduces administrative burdens by requiring no volunteers, and ensures healthier meal options for students. The program is also committed to giving back a percentage of every successful order to the participating school to support their missions and goals for their students.

Program also offer $0.50 to your school.

Can we integrate the Food For Good Program with our existing school management systems?

No, our program is currently a standalone system.

How does the Food For Good Program ensure the nutritional quality of meals?

Our program follows strict nutritional guidelines based on PPM-150 and Canada Food Guide and Dietary Guidelines. Each meal is carefully evaluated by our program nutritionist to provide balanced and wholesome options for students.

Can our nutrition program collaborate with Food For Good to offer our expertise?

Absolutely. We encourage partnerships with nutrition programs to enhance the quality of our offerings and promote healthier eating habits.

How do you accommodate diverse dietary needs within the program?

Our platform allows customization based on dietary restrictions, allergies, and cultural preferences to ensure inclusivity and meet individual needs.

How can our local nutrition group organization collaborate with the Food For Good Program?

Our platform ensures full transparency in meal distribution. Nutrition groups receive updates on the allocation of donations to be able to follow and ensure their contributions are making a meaningful impact.

How transparent is the distribution of donations?

Our platform ensures full transparency in meal distribution. Nutrition groups receive updates on the allocation of donations to be able to follow and ensure their contributions are making a meaningful impact.

Is the Food For Good Program available in my area?

The availability of the program may vary by school district. Please check our website if our program is available for your school.

How is the safety of food handling and delivery ensured?

Our platform enforces strict food safety protocols, and all vendors and drivers undergo thorough training and checks to ensure the safe handling and delivery of meals.

What payment methods are accepted for meal orders?

We accept various payment methods, including credit cards and electronic transfers, providing a convenient and secure way to pay for meals.

Is the Food For Good Program available in multiple regions?

Please follow this link to know our availability in your location:

Is it possible for private companies or individuals to support by donating or sponsoring meals for students at a specific school?

Certainly, Your generous contributions can make a meaningful difference in providing students with access to nourishing meals. Please get in touch with us through our website or customer support channels to discuss available opportunities.

How can I get in touch with the Food For Good team for further inquiries?

Feel free to contact us through our website or customer support channels. We are here to address any questions or concerns you may have.

How does the program handle sustainability and eco-friendly practices?

The program promotes sustainability by encouraging vendors to adopt eco-friendly practices and packaging options. We are committed to using biodegradable packaging and reducing food waste to lessen our carbon footprint and create a change.

Are there opportunities for local businesses to participate as vendors?

Absolutely, the program welcomes local businesses to join as vendors and contribute to the community while gaining exposure. If you are an interested vendor, please send us a message and schedule a presentation with us using our website or customer support channels. Together, let’s make a positive change to the community one bite at a time!

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